Monday, September 29, 2008

Can't sleep

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Oh dear me, oh dear.


I went Hougang Mall w mummy just now.
I bought accessories!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yay for fast planning.

And so we did.
Love and I promised to hang out right after the day of the end of EOYs.
We are gonna go have fun at Hahahaji Lane, buy the same stuffs and wear them together.
Just helped her sold her tulip skirt.
So JW, be grateful to me. Hahah :)

Good night.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Uh okay.

Vivo today with Mum and I got real pissed.
I just wanted to get a look at Keds, the one I longed for, she just kept nagging behind me.
Like she always does...

I went home myself w/o her cause she still wanted to get Mooncakes for sis -.-
Like, sis doesn't even buy things for us when we ask her to.
Why must we help her to get things?
I don't bother.
Never will I help her again, serve you right sis.

Bad things aside, I got my pocket cardigan from Zara.
Creme in color, and got a Size Large.
I prefer it oversized than skinny, looked like an ah lian with skinny cardigan, lol.

I'm dead tired and having a major headache.
Dad and Mum got a shock when I went to brush my teeth and wash my face at 8PM.
Normally, I would do that even after 1AM.

White tank!

I probably should..... not.

Good night.

Mooncakes Festival.

So I went to celebrate early Mooncakes Fest. w Joleen, Nikki, Li En, Yingying and SIYING.
HAHAHAHA, that historical person.

We took many photos.
Well, I kept wanting to take with Siying just because she's hilarious and she does those ancient moves.
Like, kicking in the air with no pressure at all.
What's more, she told us she hasn't practiced kicking at all and she got 52 for Sit&Reach.

Good night!
Hope you enjoyed the photos.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I know there's a tan line on my left hand but blah, I hate it as much as you do.


American Apparel arrived today and I'm very happy.
I've gotten a free T-shirt.
Free! Yes FREE!
They gave me one extra T-Shirt *Evil Laughs*
But sadly it's in size L and I can't wear it.
I gotta sell it off or I'm gonna exchange for something that I want! :)

15% discount, anyone interested?

P.S I just uploaded Haloscan into this blog and I think it's very cool.

Recently I've got a fetish for skirts...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Is it all over now?

Oh Secondary 1 Life,


I lost all my neoprints with you.

I just miss the time we had when we were in primary school.

I haven't got the chance to meet Iffah...
Less thinking about taking a picture with her.

This shall be my very private diary for now.
I haven't told anyone about it yet, except for someone.


Blogspot's better, no?

Livejournal later.